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Film Production Assets Security

Film Production Assets with overnight Protection, Security Guards Melbourne.

How to keep safe the Film Production Assets with overnight Protection, an onsite Static Guard is the most sensible way of avoiding any damage or theft of expensive equipment. The Producer for any future or current Productions can contact us any time for any tentative Principal Photography locations, we’re assets will need protecting. Pre-production when appointing the Line Manager and or Production Manager you could also include engaging a reliable Security company like us to have booked for all shoot locations and castings. During the Principal Photography, we can have an Experienced Guard to keep the public quiet and away from the affected film area. The disturbance from stickybeaks, Pavarotti or just annoying blowflies in the public can slow down production and add a blowout to production costs with the delays. When it’s a Wrap (strike/dismantle) and the set needs to be taken down. Our security will be onsite to ensure assets are not walking off-site. Once the clear the production location is clear and contractors have left the site the security guard can do a detailed report on the condition of the site for the back of office purposes.. Onsite at all times Roaming & Patrolling Affected Area. ~ Monitors and Reports daily~ Visible Deterrent Company Security HiVis Vest~ Perimeter checks~ Instructional requests~ Integration with Local Police~ Asset Protection~ Back to Base Monitoring ~ Google Mapping Site Verification checkpoint every 30 minutes